3290 CYPRESS STREET, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J3N6

4 4 125 Ft (12500 sqft)

Nestled in the prestigious enclave of first Shaughnessy, and boasting an unrivaled location, this charming well-maintained family home built in 1951 sits on a generously sized 125xl00, meticulously manicured lot - a rare gem in the heart of one of Vancouver's most coveted and distinguished neighborhoods. This property has been lovingly cherished by the same owners, and has not been on the market for four and a half decades - do not miss this opportunity to build your dream home. 10-l5min walk to South Granville shopping, 10 min walk to Vancouver Lawn Tennis Club, 3 min walk to public transit, steps to Arbutus Greenway, 3-10min drive to Vancouver's Private Schools. Public School Catchments: Shaughnessy Elementary & Prince of Wales Secondary (30549289)

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