3998 GRANVILLE STREET, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H3L2

4 3 100 Ft (20000 sqft)

COURT ORDERED SALE!! This prime piece of real estate is situated in one of the most desirable communities in Vancouver and located in the first Shaughnessy District absent of Heritage Restrictions, not on the protected list. This modernly magnificent 5,350 sq ft, beautifully renovated modern home sits on a 20,000 square ft expansive manicured lot guarded by trees around the entire property, primed for redevelopment or personal enjoyment. Close to UBC and top ranked schools, with convenient access to Richmond and Downtown Vancouver. This 100 x 200 estate corner lot is a sweet opportunity for developers or an attractive investment for anyone looking to capitalize on its location and explore the various development options. FIRST SHOWING Thurs, Nov 28th 4:00-6:00 and Sun, Dec 1st from 2:00-4:00. (30533624)

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